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Base : Saponified Olive , Coconut, Castor oils, Shea Butter

Chamomile tea, Lavender Seeds and Chamomile flowers

Esential oils: Lavender and Chamomile 

Color:  Madder Root

  • Physical Properties


    Lavender: Relaxation- Relieves stress and anxiety, Bug repellant helps acne and inflammation, antifungal, antibacterial, helps treat eczema.

    Chamomile helps diminish the scars, marks and spots on the skin .also protects wounds, cuts, and bruises from becoming infected, serving as a vulnerary. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, helps with headaches, muscles and joint pain.



  • Emotional Properties

    - Lavender: The oil of communication, calms insecurities and deep fears. Helps with fears of rejection and encourages emotional honesty.

    - Chamomile: Relieves Depression, eliminates feelings of sadness, , and sluggishness while inducing a sort of happy or charged feeling.

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